
Should you Watch videos of your embryos? (2023)

In this short animation, we break down our research into the critical issues surrounding how IVF embryo development videos are received by patients.  
We have found that most IVF patients do not know how to interpret embryo development or understand what the video means for their particular case and treatment.

what are IVF Add-ons? (2019)

This video explores the wide variety of perspectives on the value of IVF treatment add-ons in the context of the UK fertility sector.

what is evidence in IVf? (2019)

This video explores what it means to produce evidence in the fertility sector and encourages an open and earnest conversation about what evidence is currently available and the consequences of this for the overall quality of care in IVF.

what is a positive experience in IVF? (2019)

This video investigates what it means to have a positive experience of fertility treatment and invites the audience to reflect on what quality of care means in this sector.